Effective Student Recruitment for Music Schools

by Gerry Cobley on May 30, 2024 11:06:00 AM

Discover the key strategies to attract and enroll more students in your music school.

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Free Music Lesson Management - Really?

by Gerry Cobley on Jan 12, 2020 11:49:51 AM

Yes - Really!

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The Benefits of Music Teacher Software

by Gerry Cobley on Jul 19, 2016 8:30:00 AM
No More Passion Smashing Paperwork!
Does implementing music teacher software really save you time? Can it actually generate more income from your studio?
In this case study, we have taken a typical, fairly small, music studio as an example, and calculated the time saved, money saved and revenue generated from the use of the suite of studio management features included in YourVirtuoso. The results are compelling. Your mileage may vary, of course. The conclusion probably will not...

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The Business Case for Music School Software

by Gerry Cobley on Jul 7, 2016 11:45:00 AM
Its all about Return on Investment - ROI
Selecting and implementing advanced music studio/school management software takes an investment of your time and effort. As a business manager, in addition to the other (more comfortable) hats you wear, you need to know whether that investment is going to have benefits - a Return on your Investment.
In this case study, we have taken a typical, reasonably large, music studio as an example and calculated the time saved, money saved and revenue generated, and the results are compelling. Your mileage may vary, the conclusion probably will not...

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How To Manage a Music Studio

by Gerry Cobley on Nov 15, 2013 5:28:00 PM

Thinking through all the actions, and potential pitfalls, involved in running your own music school or studio can be daunting - especially for a teacher new to running a business.

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Subscription Business Model for Music Studio Management

by Gerry Cobley on Mar 13, 2012 12:48:00 PM

While individual lessons have generally been paid on amonthly basis, because group classes have set schedules and durations, the most common form of payment has been "Up Front", or a deposit and balance at first class.

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Register Online for Private Lessons? Never say Never...

by Gerry Cobley on Aug 9, 2011 10:29:00 AM

Music and Dance studios that have adopted online registration love the fact that they can fill classes without spending all their off-hours (or hiring admin staff) entering family, student and payment information in their record keeping systems.

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Music Studio Management - Keeping Quickbooks Up to Date

by Gerry Cobley on Jul 8, 2011 12:50:00 PM
Modern music studio management systems for tracking family/student enrollments are the natural, and best, place to keep on top of their fees and payments. This raises the question of how to use them in combination with the rest of your financial accounting systems and processes.
Our approach, using YourVirtuoso and Quickbooks as an example, is described below.

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Music School Management Software - The Big Picture

by Gerry Cobley on Feb 17, 2011 10:44:00 AM

There are lots of software options for management of your music school or music studio, ranging from excel spreadsheets, to online scheduling services, to payment collection companies. I believe that if your goal is to make studio management a simple and effective process, and free yourself up for the creative things that give you your energy, then Integration is the answer.

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Help! What would the best music school management system do?

by Gerry Cobley on Feb 10, 2011 7:45:00 PM

It seems to us at YourVirtuoso HQ that the needs of music schools and studios for excellent management tools are not being fully met.

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